Words From Our Clients

If we haven't already said please accept are deepest thanks to you and your team. We had both just got to the point of looking at what plan B might be and it was with great surprise that it all moved so fast to a great result. We both look forward to thanking you and your team in person.

Mark & Dawn Charlton E2 Treaty Investor Visa Holders United Kingdom


Thank you for all your assistance, knowledge and effort that you put into preparing and actioning our E2 visa applications in London. We sincerely appreciate all that you've done and your input into ensuring that we were approved for a 5-year renewal. I will undoubtedly be recommending your services to all our friends and colleagues who are looking to renew their E2 visa's in the near future!!

David & Susan Greenhalgh E2 Investors United Kingdom

I can’t find words to thank you for all your guidance and help in helping my wife to get her H1B approved. I was so overwhelmed with joy when you gave me this good news on the phone that I could hardly speak with you then . Thanks once again for the same from us all.

The K Family H1B/H India

Thank you for all your hard work in obtaining my Green card. As you know during my stay in Florida I engaged many different lawyers before I was fortunate enough to come to you for help. It is refreshing to find there are still some honest, hard working lawyers like you.

Hassan Zandieh Lawful Permanent Resident United States & United Kingdom

I was lost, discouraged and disappointed, but you were and will always be my guiding Angel. Even when I felt that I now need to pack and go back to Kenya, you would always say, "Let’s give the Immigration office another week." I always felt like I was being a bother, but you never saw that. I wish I could do anything for you, because I ended feeling like part of your family with your staff always encouraging me to be patient and that all will be okay. I now have my permanent green card and today I received a letter from Brown Mackie College that I have been accepted to a fulltime nursing school. Thank you so much Lisa and may God help you and guide you to be more patient and successful in your field and with your clients.

Aisha Mwinyi US Lawful Permanent Resident Kenya

You helped me get my visa, and accomplish my dream of 19 years to come to Florida. I always remember at the time of my appointment how the American Embassy told me "Lisa Khan,as soon as we saw her name we didn't have to check your file, she is very truthful and honest"... I wish I had met a few more Lisa Khans in the last few years.

D. Carrick E2 Investor Ireland

I am a senior retired banker having 34 years of service. My kids are lawful citizen and lawful Green card holders in USA. I and my wife were waiting in Pakistan for immigrant visa. After a wait of three and half years, my youngest daughter decided to pick a lawyer to try our luck in US Courts.

After examining the profile of three respected lawyers she decided to seek the professional services of Lisa Khan. Lisa Krueger Khan, thank you for your sincerity of purpose, endurance, confidence and allowing free communication with your client. My daughter’s decision came to us as a gift from God. No doubt, you are intelligent, learned and experienced in your field. Your kind guidance and encouragement gave us courage to keep our hopes alive. You never closed the door of communication while your response to our queries was prompt. Even on some matter of urgency you emailed us through your cell phone. There are no words to pay tribute to your dedication hard work. Sorry I am becoming emotional and I think words can not adequately depict the respect and gratitude for your, smiling, humble and helping hand. May God bless you and all the members of your team.

Amanullah Khan & Family Members US Lawful Permanent Resident Karachi, Pakistan

There are very few people in this world who are helping others because they want to help people and are not all about money. They have a really good heart. And Lisa, you are one of those people. Thanks for everything.

Hammad (& Nazeen) Syed Lawful Permanent Resident United States & Pakistan

I thought this moment would never come! It has been a very frustrating and often distressing journey but with your expert advice, constant support, understanding and now friendship, I think the end of a very long road has finally been reached. It has meant the world to us all, to know you have always been there for us. Thank you so much.

Jane Rooney-Rost and family US Lawful Permanent Residents

We want to say a huge thank you to you for helping us to obtain the long awaited green cards and at long last we can now breathe a sigh of relief and truly celebrate. It has been a pleasure working with you. Thanks as well to your assistant, Maria for her pleasant nature and patience with our constant phone calls. You have both been truly great.

Pauline & Steven Lowe US Lawful Permanent Resident United Kingdom

Many, many thanks to you, Maria and all at your office for the tireless and ultimately successful efforts on everyone’s behalf. You were super, Lisa!

Scott Rost & Jane Rooney-Rost US Citizen & LPR

I wanted to thank you for your help with the immigration process. What I appreciated the most and tell other people that I refer to you is that you were always available and gave a personal touch to everything. I think that was extremely important.

Dr. Asad Sawar US Lawful Permanent Resident Pakistan

I cannot believe my green card is finally here. You made sure that all of the paperwork was done, always gave me advice/answers and a motivation to focus on this day. I would like you to know my green card will always be remembered with you. I appreciate for your continued assistance and kindness, more than words can express.

Miki Ito US Lawful Permanent Resident Japan